The Health Benefits of Green Bananas Bananas are a healthy choice of fruit. However, green bananas have even more health benefits. Green bananas are starchier than ripe ones, but the starch that they contain is resistant starch.
Resistant starch is digested in a different way than ordinary starch. Instead of being broken down in the intestines, it remains intact. This means that it is a type of insoluble fiber.
Resistant starch has some health benefits. It may even help with losing weight. Foods that contain resistant starch are like high-fiber foods in that they increase satiety. This leads to less calorie consumption overall.
According to one study, the resistant starch in unripe bananas increases the rate of fat burning by preventing the body from using carbohydrates as fuel. When the body isn’t able to burn carbohydrate, then it uses fat stores instead. For type 2 diabetics, resistant starch helps lower insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance prevents glucose from entering the body’s cells. Therefore, if this resistance is reduced, the level of blood sugar in the bloodstream will be reduced.
Resistant starch in green bananas also helps keep the digestive tract healthy by acting as fuel for probiotic bacteria. This bacteria fights bad bacteria that can lead to diarrhea and chronic colon problems.
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