Ladies See 15 Signs Your Partner Is Taking You For Granted


Being taken for granted in a relationship can cause emotional pain and strain. Here are some signs that may indicate your partner is no longer appreciating or valuing your efforts and presence in the relationship.

1. Lack of Appreciation

Your partner stops showing gratitude for the things you do, whether it's small favors or major efforts.

  • Example: You cook dinner, and they don’t acknowledge or thank you for it.

2. No Time for You

They consistently prioritize other commitments over spending time with you, such as work, friends, or hobbies.

  • Example: You barely spend quality time together, and your partner doesn’t seem to make the effort to change that.

3. Inconsistent Communication

Communication becomes one-sided. They might not respond to your calls or texts promptly or at all.

  • Example: You notice that you’re the one always initiating conversations or plans.

4. Rarely Compliments You

They no longer compliment your appearance or achievements, even though they used to before.

  • Example: You dress up for an event, and they don’t notice or acknowledge it.

5. Takes Advantage of Your Kindness

Your partner begins to expect that you’ll always be there for them, but they don’t reciprocate the same kindness.

  • Example: They ask for favors often but never seem to return the favor.

6. Ignores Your Needs

They’re less attentive to your emotional or physical needs, leaving you feeling neglected.

  • Example: You express that you’re feeling down, but they brush it off or don’t try to comfort you.

7. Little to No Effort

Your partner stops making efforts to impress you or to keep the romance alive.

  • Example: They no longer plan dates, surprise you, or engage in romantic gestures.

8. You Feel Unappreciated

You consistently feel like what you do for the relationship is unnoticed or undervalued.

  • Example: You go out of your way to support their goals, but they don’t acknowledge your effort.

9. Frequent Excuses

They often come up with excuses for why they can't spend time with you or help you with something.

  • Example: Every time you ask for help, they say they’re too busy or tired.

10. Doesn’t Respect Your Time

Your partner might cancel plans at the last minute or not care if you're inconvenienced.

  • Example: You make plans, but they cancel with little notice and without considering how it affects you.

11. Emotionally Distant

They become emotionally unavailable, rarely sharing their thoughts or feelings with you.

  • Example: Conversations feel superficial, and they don’t open up about what's going on in their life.

12. Takes Credit for Your Efforts

Your partner might take credit for things you’ve done, either socially or within the relationship.

  • Example: They tell others that they planned something special when it was your effort.

13. Stops Asking About Your Day

They no longer show interest in your daily life or how you’re feeling.

  • Example: After a long day, they don’t ask how you’re doing or listen when you try to share.

14. Disrespectful Behavior

They may exhibit disrespectful behavior or act like your opinions and feelings don’t matter.

  • Example: They belittle your concerns or dismiss your opinions during arguments.

15. You Feel More Like a Convenience

They treat you more as someone who fulfills a role rather than someone they cherish.

  • Example: They expect you to be there when they need something but don’t offer the same in return.


If you notice several of these signs, it might indicate that your partner is taking you for granted. Open communication is key—express your feelings to your partner and see if they're willing to make changes. However, if the situation persists, it may be time to reconsider the relationship. A healthy partnership is built on mutual respect, appreciation, and effort.

Remember: You deserve to feel valued and appreciated in any relationship!

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