Try This Home Treatment To REMOVE Your Scars And Stretch Marks 100% Working !!1

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Scars are inevitable part of our life and there’s hardly a person who doesn’t have one. It’s true that we get most scars when we are young, and these are more or less pleasant reminders of our childhood naughtiness. However, there is also a different type of scars, such as surgery scars or stretch marks, that most of us would rather get rid of them immediately.

Remove Scars Naturally

Natural medicine offers a number of solutions for treatment of scars. Here, we’ve selected the most effective ones.

How to Remove Older Scars

According to Barbara Close, the author of Pure Skin (Chronicle, 2005), one of the most effective natural solutions for removal of scars is using products with frankincense. These have proved extremely beneficial for healing and regenerating skin. Plus, these products soothe aging skin owing to geranium, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Remove Recent Scars

To remove more recent scars, use calendula cream because it’s rich in flavonoids and helps to strengthen your skin. It gives best results when combined with vitamin E oil. Moreover, it provides soothing and anti-inflammatory effects that your soften skin and speed up the healing process.

Removing Stretch Marks

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is an ayurvedic herb with amazing antibiotic and wound-healing properties. To remove stretch marks, take ½ – 1 tsp. tincture or 300 – 400mg in capsule form every day.

Prevention of Scars

Manuka honey is one of the best foods in nature for prevention of scars. For one thing, Manuka honey has strong antibacterial properties that protect against wound infections, and this is the most important thing for preventing of scar forming. Manuka honey packs high content of vitamin C, which promotes faster regeneration of tissue and reduces inflammation.

Aloe Vera also does wonders for skin healing and regeneration owing to the allantoin found in the plant. When applied topically to a cut, it also acts as scar prevention.
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