If You See These 13 Symptoms In Your Body , Do A HIV Test Immediately


5. Swollen Lymph Nodes: Swollen lymph nodes may be a starting sign of HIV infection. 67% of HIV sufferers may experience some sort of lymph node swelling. This commonly occurs in the neck, under arms, and groin region.
Lymph nodes are distributed all throughout the body so any abnormal swelling could be a symptom. Lymph nodes swell as the immune system is activated and the body fights off infection.

6. Headaches: One of the first symptoms of the flu related symptoms of HIV is an unrelenting headache. The headaches may develop into chronic debilitating migraines. Migraines become chronic after affecting a person for 15 or more days per month. 50% of people infected with HIV will experience headaches as a symptom, while 27% will experience chronic migraines. This is compared to the general population, where only 2% of people suffer from chronic migraines.


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