Ever wonder what will happen to your p33nis once you commit to having a zero s33xual activity? Well let this article enlighten you
1. The p33nis can shrink
“If they don’t do anything to maintain normal er3ctions, they will get shortening of the p33nis” According to Tobias Kohler, MD, and assistant professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, p33nises need to be exercised for it to keep it’s shape
and tone. However, it will only be shorter by a negligible centimeter at most.
1. The p33nis can shrink
“If they don’t do anything to maintain normal er3ctions, they will get shortening of the p33nis” According to Tobias Kohler, MD, and assistant professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, p33nises need to be exercised for it to keep it’s shape
and tone. However, it will only be shorter by a negligible centimeter at most.
2. It is associated with erectile dysfunction
erectil33 Dysfunction (ED) occurs when your p33nis can no longer sustain an er33ction. Now p33nises, as muscles, preserves it’s function through s*x, like how physical exercise maintains the body strength. Studies show that men who don’t or have a little s33xual activity run a higher risk of having erectil33 Dysfunction (ED) than men who are s33xually active.
3. You are probably a candidate for Prostate Cancer
According to Dr. David Samadi, urologist and oncologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of urologic diseases and prostate cancer, frequent 33jaculation can protect you from prostate cancer.
According to Dr. David Samadi, urologist and oncologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of urologic diseases and prostate cancer, frequent 33jaculation can protect you from prostate cancer.
Whether it is caused by m3sturb3tion or by intercourse.
Studies show that men who don’t 33jaculate often have inflammatory cells gather in the seminal vesicles adjacent to the prostate gland which can cause cancer.
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