Every woman, even those with the most beautiful breast in the world, except this “gift” wants to be more specific on in something: intellect, education, and their character traits. Nowadays too much attention is paid to physical attributes, despite the progress that we say that we have accomplished as a civilization.
1,You are refined intellectual
You have a brilliant and refined personality. You are a kind of reserved for other people. You are quick thinking person and you have a highly developed intellect –you can solve any puzzle…You are annoying people around you with discussions that you start, and you usually have completely different views of the majority. Tranquility and comfort are very important to you. You have a tendency to be alone and not paying too much attention to feelings. Mostly strive to remain strong and stable, and even when you have emotions, you try to hide them.
2 You are very independent and born to lead,
You are one lucky person who almost never asks for help from others. Basically you are highly placed in the society and you are very successful. Logic is very important to you and you consider your life as a game strategy. You have a lot of self-control and prefer to hold all the strin
gs in your hands. You are cold, but calm and stable. You are a born leader!
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