See Top 15 Cheapest Universities In Nigeria & Their School Fees – You Will Be Amazed

Cheapest Universities In Nigeria

Cheapest Universities In Nigeria – Before you chose your choice of institution, it is better to know how much they are paying as fee. You might apply for admission into any University and finds out that the tuition fee is above what you bargain for. Because of that, we have list all the Nigerian Universities and their school fees for 2017. Here Are The Cheapest Universities In Nigeria

1. Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) is a federal government research university located in Zaria, Kaduna State. ABU was founded on October 4, 1962, as the University of Northern Nigeria. The university operates two campuses: Samaru (main) and Kongo in Zaria. There is also pre-degree School located in Funtua few kilometres away from main campus owned by the university.

The Samaru campus houses the administrative offices, faculties of; sciences, social-sciences, arts and languages, education, environmental design, engineering, medical sciences. agricultural sciences and research facilities.

The Kongo campus hosts the faculties of Law and Administration. The Faculty of Administration consists of Accounting, Business Administration, Local Government and Development Studies and Public Administration Departments. Additionally, the university is responsible for a variety of other institutions and programs at other locations.

School Fees Range: ₦ 27,000

2. University of Ibadan (UI) The University of Ibadan (UI) is the oldest and one of the most prestigious Nigerian universities, and is located five miles (8 kilometres) from the centre of the major city of Ibadan in Western Nigeria. Besides the College of Medicine, there are now eleven other faculties: Arts , Science, Agriculture and Forestry, Social Sciences, Education, Veterinary Medicine, Technology, Law, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Dentistry.

The University has residential and sports facilities for staff and students on campus, as well as separate botanical and zoological gardens. School Fees Range: ₦ 30,000


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