In a nutshell, almost every Nigerian guy wants to be the first person to pop alady’s cherry as it is a thing of joy and validation of being a real man. The major concern is that many guys take ladies virginity without without having any intention to date let alone marry them.
Before taking that step, there are categories of ladies you should not disflower nor impregnate if you know you won’t marry them
1. Spiritual Ladies
Some ladies stay away from men just because they have vow to God not to lose their virginity before marriage. When you trick these ladies by promising them undying love just to take their virginity from them, God’s wrath will definitely come upon such a man
Hot tempered Ladies
In case you don’t know, some ladies are very aggressive that they don’t take poo from guys. If you dare break their virginity and try to dump them, they can torture you either by biting off your joystick or pour acid on you
2 Native Doctors Patronizers
To be very frank and sincere, guys really need to take a chill pill on whom to break their virginity if not calamity will befall them. This reminds me when I was reading profusely for my final exam last month just to escape probation when I overheard a lady making incantations and raining curses on his boyfriend who robbed her of her virginity and broke up with her afterwards. I had to quickly lock my window and switched on my home theatre so that the curses she laid will not lose direction and come straight into my own room
Ladies who coerce you into Blood Covenant
Some ladies put guys in bondage by forcing blood covenant on them when they breach their promises to marry them after sleeping with them. Such guys may eventually breach their promises carelessly and may end up in six feet.
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