In a recent interview with NetTV, rapper Skales has shocked Nigerians after he shared some juicy details about his life. During the edition of Secret Questions, Skales revealed unexpected details about his life, including details about his past. However, what shocked Nigerians was Skales reply when he was asked who he would kill, date and kiss if he was given the opportunity. Skales replied and said "I will kill Bobrisky, kiss Toke Makinwa and date Yemi Alade."
Although it was obvious that the rapper turned singer was joking and his replies were harmless, it is still shocking to be the one chosen to be killed.
It should also be noted that the rapper and Nigerian cross-dresser, Bobrisky, have never had any issue to suspect a beef between them. The former EME artiste also shared some details about his dating life and some of the weirdest things he has ever done.
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