ONE: Get Started While You’re Pregnant
If you are still pregnant, it is normal to gain weight, but that shouldn’t allow you to throw caution to the wind and start eating chocolate cake for breakfast or a family-size bag of chips for an afternoon snack. You will have cravings, and you should indulge yourself from time to time, but prudence now pays back greatly later on.
Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can be a couch potato. Walk around the block once or twice a day. This will benefit you and the baby by getting your blood flowing and getting fresh air into your lungs.
TWO: Nature Gives Weight-Loss Advantages
Once the baby is born, there’s an immediate loss of 11-13 lbs. Br.eastfeeding will also help you lose weight, using up to 800 calories a day. And after you’ve allowed your body to recuperate (about 4-6 weeks) so that you can start exercising, a little bit of weight training will go a long way to helping you lose weight.
Guess what? You don’t have to join a gym or buy weights. Your baby is weight enough. Hold the baby to your chest and do lunges. Lunge behind the stroller as you walk. On your back, hold your baby above your chest and do presses toward the ceiling.
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