
The cold and dry winter months may destroy your skin, causing dryness and cracks on the fingers and hands. Let us see some home remedies to cure this condition.

Use sugar and olive oil for exfoliation – take 1-2 tbsp. of sugar in your hands, add some olive oil, and rub the oil and sugar in them. Repeat it up to 4 times a week and apply lotion after this.

Honey, lemon juice, and baking soda – this mixture can also help with age spots. Wash your hands with warm water and mild soap. Make a mixture of lemon juice, honey, and baking soda in equal parts and massage it into your hands for a minute. Relax for 5-10 minutes and wash them with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Petroleum jelly, sugar, dish soap, and lotion – melt 1/3 tsp of petroleum jelly in the palm of your hand and then sprinkle 1 tsp of sugar onto the petroleum jelly. Mash them together to make a paste. Rub it over the hands by applying pressure to remove the dead skin and finally wash your hands with hot water and liquid soap. Apply some lotion, too.

Butter – it will moisturize your hands and make them soft. Thus, apply butter at night and cover your hands with cotton gloves so that the butter soaks deeply.

Rosemary and olive oil – infection is prevented by rosemary oil due to it being a potent antiseptic agent. If you want to heal cracked skin, massage warm olive oil with a few drops of rosemary oil into the skin. Massage in between the fingers and around the nails and then slip a pair of cotton gloves, resting for half an hour. Wash your hands in warm water.

Sugar and avocado – take a ripe avocado and mash it. Add 1 tbsp. of sugar in a medium-sized bowl and massage it into your hands. Allow the sugar to exfoliate while the avocado fats nourish the skin and repair it. Wash them with plain water, but avoid using soap after the treatment.

Oats bath – place raw oats and warm olive oil into a basin and soak your hands, or the whole body. Relax for 10-15 minutes while it works on your skin.

Wear gloves to bed – rub coconut oil, jojoba oil, or vitamin E into your hands and slip a pair of gloves or wool socks. In this way the moisture will be kept overnight and make your hands be very smooth.

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