Women often deal with fertility problems but according to the latest studies it was discovered that many men are dealing with infertility. This is so because of the bad habits they have in their life, especially smoking. The smoking is maybe the biggest cause for erectile dysfunction.
Bispheonl A is a compound that is present in cans and plastic bottles and exactly this compound can disrupt the quality and quantity of the sperm.
In this article you will read the 6 most commonly habits that men are doing on a daily basis and that is damaging the sperm.
1. As we already mentioned, smoking. Smoking is reducing the blood flow to the private area and that can lead to serious problems.
2. Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. The quality of the sperm can be damaged if a man is drinking 5 alcoholic drinks on a daily basis.
3. Overweight – men that have decreased fertility are often the ones that are obese.
4. Stress – What is linked with the quality of the sperm is the overall health and the state of mind.
5. Being most of the time on high temperature – In order for the male testicles to produce sperm they need to be at temperature that is lower 4 degrees than the body temperature. Your sperm count will be lowered if you are exposed to high temperatures.
6. The last and maybe the biggest cause of the damaged sperm is the actually putting the cellphone in the pocket – Today this is the part of the modern lifestyle but the radiations and vibrations from the cell phones can decrease the sperm count up by unbelievable 9%. Keep your phone somewhere else and not in your pocket, especially if you plan to be a father.