Remember Aurora, the adorable little girl with prosthetic leg and the most beautiful smile? Life has been very kind to her!

In July 21, 2015, Ajahrosy Blog  posted a photo of an adorable girl with prosthetic leg, rocking a cute head wrap and had the most beautiful smile. See the post here. Aurora, now 2, has accomplished a lot since then. According to her proud mom, Kayla

"She's in Kinetic Kids Program with gymnastics, swimming, and much more! She received her 1st Runners Blade this year!! It has made shopping with mommy a little difficult (she runs everywhere), but running into Daddy's arms a lot easier.
We give a special enormous thanks to God for all he has done for her, and a blessed thanks to those praying, loving & working hard to make it possible for her."

Awww...we love you Aurora!!

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