Ladies Get In Here ,See 6 things every man should do for his woman ( Must Read)

Last week we ran a piece on what men want from their wives. So this week we list what women are looking for from their men
Talk to her
It’s no secret women love to talk we can talk about anything and everything.  As a man you should be able to hold conversations with your wife on things other than your kids and the bills. When you cannot have a conversation with your partner it can be a sign of a troubled relationship.
Share household chores
Every man wants a woman who can cook, clean, take care of him and his children. Well is it too much for a woman to ask for the same thing? Women get tired too and how about once in a while instead of getting home from work and waiting for your wife to come home and cook, you could make dinner for the family instead and serve her when she gets home from work. This will go a long way in making her feel loved and appreciated.
Spend time with her
Don’t be one of those men who only go home to shower and sleep. Instead of going out every weekend, why don’t you sit at home with your wife and kids and watch a movie or an activity you both enjoy. Strive to get home after work instead of running to your local pub every evening.
Give her gifts
When was the last time you bought the mother of your children a gift, and I don’t mean the compulsory gifts such as birthday, valentines or anniversary gifts. Am talking about a random gift just to show her your love? Buying your wife small gifts once in a while such as chocolate or flowers will make her feel loved and know that you still care. Unlike men, women need constant reminders that they are loved by their partner.
Down time
Sometimes people just need a break to hang out with their friends catch up on that series they really like or just sleep. Your wife deserves one of these days where she doesn’t need to think about what you and the kids will eat, who will wash the dishes and the like. Once in a while you can take your children out and give her time to herself. Trust me she will appreciate it.
Yes, just like everybody else your wife will make mistakes; she will forget something, burn the food, burn your favorite shirt while ironing but you should be willing to forgive and understand that no one is perfect.

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