Top Zambian politician sends her naked picture on WhatsApp

The top politiician shared this naked photo on Whatsapp

A top Zambian politician, Beatrice Bwalya Kapansa, has shared a naked selfie of herself on a

WhatsApp group. Reports claim that women in the group were totally embarrassed and angry with

the newly elected Deputy Mayor after she flaunted her breasts on a Whatsapp group which had

members of Zambian ruling party (Patriotic Front) in it.

The group members were ‘blesssed’ on Sunday, October 9, 2016 when their district chair lady,

Kapansa, who is in her 50s, showed off her breasts in the forum with the caption “JUST RELAXING IN BED.”

Beatrice Bwalya Kapansa

Kapansa is the newly elected deputy mayor of Mufulira and councillor for David Kaunda ward in

Zambia. Lots of women are calling for her resignation as the picture has gone viral but it seems the

men totally enjoyed the photo as they didn’t complain. LOL!

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