Relationship Advice 5 reasons why dating your ex's friend is a bad idea

Not because you owe your ex a duty to do so, but because you will be best served to just get away from them.

Why dating your ex's friend is a bad idea

For starters, let us categorically state it - you no longer owe your ex any loyalty.

However, there are some really valid and persuasive reasons why you should not date his or her friend.
playReasons why dating your ex's friend is a bad idea (ThyBlackMan)
We explain five of these reasons;

1. You could ruin a friendship

As strong as that chemistry might be, you really should not act on it.
Dating your ex’s friend has the capacity to ruin that friendship between them.
Even if the friendship is not destroyed, you are faced with the possibility of often seeing your ex when your new BF and his friends have a get together that involves coming with their GF’s.
playAs strong as that chemistry might be, you really should not act on it (Twitter)

2. Why date inside his circle?

The most sensible and easiest route to take after a breakup is to cut all ties with her and her friends, except you are friends with them before you even met that your ex.
Consider this: why dwell in the midst of all this drama when you can readily just dust your tail and pitch your tent elsewhere?

3. It will be harder to maintain a relationship

Ever dated an ex’s friend? If so, how did it work out?
Did I hear you say it wasn’t good? No? I thought so, too.
Most times when people choose to go down this path of dating their ex’s friends, the pressure and likely constant drama often strangles life out of the relationship before the partners even have time to really get into it.
Really, it is usually a miracle if this kind of relationship works out fine, and you will be better served if you avoid it by all means.
playHow would you feel if this was done to you? (The trent)

4. The golden rule

Just chill for a second and ask yourself how you would feel if this happened to you.
If you wouldn’t be okay with it happening to you, you shouldn’t be willing to do it to someone else. Even if that someone is your most-hated ex girlfriend.

5. It’s bad for your reputation

Another reason to not even consider this is the effect it might have on your reputation.
There is no assurance that that relationship you are about to begin will even last forever.
So, what if, along the line, you both break up?
You would have dated two, or depending on the case, more than two in a circle of friends.
What do you think that does for your reputation?

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