Actress Beverly Naya shares few Inspirational Words with Fans

Nollywood actress, Beverly Naya has written a touching words to inspire her social media fans. The fast rising actress used her present situation to teach fans a lesson on reliance on God for help, blessings and never to be desperate for anything in life. Continue reading…
“Woke up this morning, went downstairs to get some breakfast before starting my day. Met my mum on my way to the kitchen and she got up to give me an emotional hug as soon as she saw me. She was pretty overwhelmed and as I tried to calm her down, I asked her what the problem was, to which she replied “nothing, I am just so very proud of you, you are my pride and joy”. I was deeply moved by this, I knew she had pondered intensely over the heart to heart we had the night before which led her to these emotions.

“I was recently offered an ‘opportunity’ that could’ve changed my life for a lack of better words had I just said yes, although very tempting, I chose to decline…thinking to myself, how much of myself would I lose if I accept? What would God think? What would God want me to do? Would I be able to give Him the glory as I’ve always done with all my blessings?

“Here’s the point I’m ultimately trying to make- never be too desperate for anything in life, never take your life into your own hands and allow yourself to believe that God can’t help/bless you. There are different ways to sacrifice, different ways to show God that you are willing to leave the choice with Him. Trust me guys, I am a testimony to the fact that God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. You don’t need to compromise yourself, your values or your future to get ahead. When you trust Him wholeheartedly without giving all your trust to the world, He will reward you.
“To all the young ladies (and guys) out there- I just want you to know that you are enough, you can achieve everything with faith in God and self belief. Don’t compromise and don’t ever settle…everything will ALWAYS work out exactly as it should, it might take a little longer but I promise it’ll be worth it in the end. God is love and He sees all, He sees your heart and He will always reward all of your efforts, but most importantly- YOUR SACRIFICES,” she said.

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