3 Big Reasons Why Your Kids Need to Go to Sleep Before 9 PM

3 Big Reasons Why Your Kids Need to Go to Sleep Before 9 PM

When my children were babies, I didn’t want to let them go to sleep. I felt like I need to be with them 24/7.

Especially when they are a few months old. They sleep all the time.
Seeing them grow up in beautiful boy and girl I couldn’t be prouder of mine and my husband’s creation.
No later than 9 PM was the rule in my home as they were growing up. I’m a proud mother because I encouraged them to read books before bed.
That grew as a habit. Both of them still have it. My daughter is more into reading adventure and love books. My boy started reading comic books recently. It’s his occupation at the moment.
My point here is that I made my kids go to bed because they formed a book habit.
I bet your grandmother told you to go to sleep before 9 PM when you were little but didn’t say why.
I think I finally have the crucial reasons for your kids to go to sleep before 9 PM. They come in a form of benefits for later in life.

Faster Sleep Time

Lots of studies show that the later your kids go to bed, the longer it takes for them to start snoozing.
On the other hand, kids who go to sleep before 9 PM wind up sleeping an hour and eighteen minutes longer than those who get to sleep later.
Plus, the chances of them waking up in the middle of the night are reduced.

Growth Hormones

According to Marc Weissbluth, a pediatrician, the sleeping of the child is as important as how much it sleeps.
Maybe your child’s hormones are more exposed during the teenage days, but they are already playing a huge role in their development in the early stages.
I don’t know if you heard about this, but the growth of your child depends on of the “Human Growth Hormone.”
It’s the hormone that peaks at 10 PM, at midnight, and at 2 AM. There is a truth behind this you need to know.
The hormone works correctly and allows your child to grow if your baby is sleeping during these times.


According to a report by Parents.com, kids who slept and rested more will have better attention and productivity span in school.
The symptoms of sleep deprivation and ADHD, including impulsivity and distractibility, mirror each other almost exactly,” says Dr. Judith Owens, director of sleep medicine at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington.
There are many things you can do to make your kids go to bed early. My trick was making them read books.
Good Luck.

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