Ladies Get In Here ! See 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol While Pregnancy (must Read )

1. Slow Infant Development

Babies are human sponges. They are absorbing an incredibly comprehensive amount of information in a rapid amount of time. Just think – most of us go from completely helpless newborns to being able to talk, walk, run, and understand jokes in just two- years. Exposure to alcohol in the womb, even in relatively small doses, has been linked to infant developmental delays.

2. Difficulties Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the very best source of hydration and nutrition for newborns and infants. It provides their gut with the healthy flora and fauna required to facilitate digestion, adds just the right balance of fats, liquids, proteins, and vitamins, and also feeds the baby’s immune system with perfectly engineered antibodies. Unfortunately, babies born to mothers who drank while pregnant have a harder time learning to breastfeed and can lack healthy sucking function.


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