Sex tape! Popular businessman’s wife having sex with gardener (photos) MUST SEE PHOTO

Tazvi Mhaka and wife

Social media has been thrown into a major frenzy after a video allegedly involving a popular business mogul’s wife and their garden boy leaked online.

Flamboyant Zimbabwean business man, Tazvi Mhaka, also known as Chief or Sheikh, is currently in a fresh scandal after a video which shows his gardener doing the unthinkable with a ‘faceless woman’ which many claim is Mhaka’s wife, Ruby Rose.

This is the second time such scandal will be hovering around Mhaka. Just last year, images of him getting down with two women was released online but Mhaka claimed it was all works of his enemies.

As the alleged sex tape goes viral online, the businessman took to his Instagram page to finally responded, see what he posted below:


“The social media is abuzz with purported infidelity by my wife, friend and partner of over 15 years. There is nothing further from the truth than this absolute hogwash and filth. Family& Friends be at peace on the full knowledge that this is just the work of a polluted and stinking mind.

Its just his/her fertile imagination driven by nothing but malice. An idle mind is the workshop of this madness.

“I absolutely and resolutely have nothing to fear or worry about as I find my beautiful wife a well refined, mannered, trustworth and loyal person who unfortunately is being lynched by sick minds that cant get used to my social and financial sucess.

We laughed it out!!.We have no time ,energy and emotions to waste on fiction and fables.” Below are reactions and mixed reactions we culled from twitter:

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