Read Why You Need to Stop Eating These 4 Foods Before Bed


Are you feeling sleepy lately? Are you feeling that you are not getting enough sleep?

It’s not that you are getting into bed way too late. Your diet habits are not allowing to get enough of your sleeping hours.
Have you ever considered that the food you are addicted to before going to bed is causing you problems?
Foods high in protein, sodium, and fat could cause you turning and tossing during the night.
We apparently don’t want that to happen because we need those 6-7 hours of sleep during the evening to be effective during the day.
With that said, there are four foods you need to avoid before going to bed

1. Chicken

Why You Need to Stop Eating These 4 Foods Before Bed

Chicken is your healthy choice. There is no doubt about it. Many people consume it before bed because it’s the only option to stop the cravings.
However, the chicken contains a vast number of proteins. It can slow up digestion by as much as 50%.
Your body will work hard to digest your foods which make it hard for you to sleep at night.
That’s why you wake up tired in the morning.
  1. Dark Chocolate

Why You Need to Stop Eating These 4 Foods Before Bed

The first 70-80% cocoa dark chocolate contains caffeine. It’s something you would want to avoid before bed.
The caffeine and theobromine in the dark chocolate do a great job stimulating your nervous system and boosting your body.
This leads to increased heart rate and difficulties during sleep.
  1. Spicy Food

Why You Need to Stop Eating These 4 Foods Before Bed
Spicy food is the hidden desire of every single person on this planet. If you love your spices, make sure you eat them during the day.

Your favorite spices could lead to heartburn, which you don’t want to have if you are just about to sleep.

4. Bacon Cheeseburger

Why You Need to Stop Eating These 4 Foods Before Bed

You are not you when you are hungry!
Finding something fast to eat is on your mind every second. People usually go for a fat cheeseburger with double bacon to set them free.
It’s the bacon that affects the sleep more than the burger itself.
A significant amount of fat in the double bacon cheeseburger stimulates the production of the acid in your stomach. The condition leads to heartburn.
Unless you love the feeling of heartburn in the middle of the night, ditch this dinner.
Except this, other factors could affect your sleep like the room temperature, brightness in the room, and outside noise.
So, if you are hungry before bed, and you desperately want to feed that hunger, opt in for the good-guy foods like Turkey breast, milk, cherries, and bananas
There you have it. Avoid these four foods, and you are going to feel full with energy and sleep.

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