OMG: Man divorces wife when he saw her without makeup for the first time

An African man has divorced his wife on their honeymoon a few days after their wedding because she was not what he thought she was.

According to a psychologist who counseled the woman, the groom broke up with her after seeing her without makeup on for the first time ever.

It was disclosed that the 45-year-old groom and the 35-year-old bride went to a hotel for their honeymoon where they eventually had to go for a swim.

This turned out to be catastrophic because the bride’s makeup washed away and the man could see his new wife in a new light.

The psychologist, who was employed to help the woman get through the sudden divorce, said the wife did not look as pretty as she did before the wedding and he accused her of deceiving him with the use of excessive makeup including false eyelashes.

 The couple, who met on Facebook were engaged for three months.

Do you think it was fair of him to divorce her over her use of makeup?  

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