Uganda’s ugliest man with 8 kids BREAKS internet again (photos,)

– A man who was dubbed the ugliest man in Uganda has hit international headlines again

– Godfrey Baguma released a series of music videos that already gathered him up to 3,000,000 views and counting
– “When I was born my mother looked at me and said that I was not a normal child and she left me.”

– Luckily, his condition called Fibrodysplasia couldn’t be inherited by his eight chilren Please, scroll down for photos and video below! Godfrey Baguma, aged 47, who claimed his title of the ugliest man in Uganda a year ago has appeared in international news articles agan!

Uganda's ugliest man

Mr Baguma’s story touched heart of millions people around the world and now he wants to make use of it as he is a doting father of eight children and as it turned out a rather talented musician.

Thanks to his extremely unusual appearance he has already become a local celebrity with his music videos and pop songs bringing him fame.
Uganda's ugliest man

However, not everything is so rosy in Godfrey’s life as almost all his life he was taunted and bullied. He said: “When I was born my mother looked at me and said that I was not a normal child and she left me.

Thankfully my grandmother took care of me. I was scared to go out and mix with people. People would say I wasn’t a human being, that I looked like a strange creature. But now I have to accept how I look.”

Uganda's ugliest man

Besides, his first wife left him and their two children. But God works in mysterious ways — eight years ago Godfrey met Kate Namanda, his second wife and mother of his six children, who loves him with all her heart.

Namande said: “Godfrey’s not handsome on the outside, but he has a good heart. I wish people would see him the way I see him.”

Recently Godfrey underwent the full examination and was diagnosed with a rare condition called *fibrodysplasia. Describing the singer’s case Doctor Wilson said:

“He has very widespread abnormality in his head and pressing on various parts of his brain. His posture is compressing his chest – this is why he’s not breathing well.”

Uganda's ugliest man

While doctors hope that his children will avoid the fate of their father, there were some cases which have shown people inheriting the mutation from one affected parent with the condition.

The man shared his fears: “I was so worried that the doctor wanted to operate on me. I feel glad that he just told me about my condition. I feel so good and I have learned that I am a human being.

 Right now I am afraid because I have a little daughter who kind of resembles me. I look at her head and I believe that she might look like me.

Uganda's ugliest man

Sometimes I worry because my children are still very young. I worry about what would happen to them if I died. I think about that a lot now.” \

Nevertheless, doctors don’t lose hope and say that with the correct medication, Godfrey’s health can be managed and give him more or less normal life. Recalling the day his life changed for the better Godfrey said said: “I was mending my shoes and a man who worked in entertainment asked me to take part in a show.

Uganda's ugliest man

Now I’ve got friends. People call me to go to their shows and give me money. It helps me take care of my children.” 

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