Relationship Tips 5 obvious signs of people that will never commit to you

This article explains big five traits of a partner who's unwilling, or unprepared to commit to you.

5 obvious signs of people that will never commit to you

Commitment starts slowly, but surely builds over time and gets stronger and stronger with time.

Some times, commitment never starts in relationships because one of the couple does not see a long-term; does not see himself or herself being with that partner beyond a short while.
It might be that the partner sees the 'relationship' as a fling while the other is seeing it as way more than that.
Here is how to know whether your partner is willing to even consider committing their lives to you...  or not.
1. They are never jealous. It does not matter what you do, or how many times you do, they won’t bat an eyelid, even though the normal reaction would be for them to be uncomfortable or flat-out angry at you.
Why? If they react in jealousy, it sends a message that they actually really care. Of course they don’t.

2. They never ever bend their schedule to include you.
You could try to explain that by saying that they are principled or just really busy, but think about it; in which true relationship don’t the partners accommodate inconveniences from each other?
3. They are not really keen to show you off. They subtly [or blatantly] tell you to take the selfie you took together off social media. There is a birthday of his friend where everyone went with their partners, you surely did not get invited to go with them.
You need to ask yourself; is your bae really your bae?
4. Another way to spot someone who is not keen on committing to you is the way they never argue or try to make their points understood. Never. Not once.
It is not rocket science to say that couples often argue about something or another, and eventually reach an agreement.
Sometimes, they actually fight, and get back together with a better understanding of each other.
If, however, your partner shows no interest in sorting out any issue with you, better know they are not willing to be with you long.
If you hope to commit to someone for the long-haul, surely, you’ll want to make your opinions known on how some things will be in the relationship.
5. He or she will never include you in decision-making  processes, especially serious matters that affect their lives for a long-term.

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