Read why Guardiola banned Interntet at Manchester City

Pep Guardiola

– ManCity star Zabaleta previously revealed Guardiola has banned players from using internet at the

club’s training base

– Sergio Aguero discloses why Guardiola banned Internet Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola

has banned players from using internet at the club’s training base and Aguero disclosed why.

Speaking in an interview with Argentina’s TyC sports, Zabaleta said that certain areas of the City

Football Academy are now free from 3G signal and have been.

He said: “He forces us to have breakfast and lunch together at the club. The internet is cut off, we are

held incommunicado.

We don’t even use 3G.” But despite the harshness of some of Guardiola’s tactics, Zabaleta has praised his manager who has helped guide City to the top of the Premier League.

Sergio Aguero believes Pep Guardiola blocked Manchester City’s training ground wi-fi when he discovered a player using his phone while on the treatment table.

And Zabaleta’s teammate Sergio Aguero disclosed:  “It seems that one time, he entered the massage rooms and saw one of my team-mates, I don’t know who it was, relaxing with his phone and, I don’t know, maybe he did not like it. From then, he cut the internet.

” He added: “I didn’t know anything about it. ‘What happened?

 We don’t have the internet here,’ I said.” Aguero continued: “In the dressing room, where everything is all closed [off], there is no signal. 

Therefore one can only use the wi-fi. I said: ‘Is the wi-fi broken?

 What happened? In this place I am preparing the orange juice, and they [team-mates] were asking if the internet was working. ‘I think it’s broken,’ I said. I thought they were messing with me but it was right. He had cut the internet.

” He noted : “In the changing room, massage room and pool we don’t have the internet. Upstairs there is a little bit of 3G.”

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