Nicki Minaj believes anything Jay Z can do she can too as she talks friendship with Beyonce

The Starships hitmaker doesn’t use books to be successful in business, but prefers to learn from others’ mistakes
Nicki Minaj won’t let being a woman stop her from being successful and from her latest interview, it seems that the only person she truly admires is Jay Z.
The Starships hitmaker has become hugely popular despite the hip hop industry being dominated by male rappers, but she’s also managed a mainstream crossover.
Nicki spoke about her drive and ambition in a new interview with Marie Claire.
The fierce star doesn’t believe that her sex determines how successful she can be and looks to Jay Z as inspiration as to what she can achieve.
“I don’t need to read a book about [business]. I can look at someone’s career and just pinpoint the dos and the don’ts, and the one person I’ve done that with for my entire career was Jay Z,” the cover star told the magazine.
“He did such a great job being an authentic street guy and a businessman, and I was like, Why aren’t there women doing that, taking the success from rap and channeling it into their empire? I felt like anything he could do, I could do.”
Nicki wants women to be inspired to achieve their goals on their own without looking to a partner and ride on the coattails of their success.

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