Kim Kardashian Sues Website Over Claims She Faked Paris Robbery

Kim Kardashian isn’t taking a gossip site’s claim that she lied about her traumatic Paris robbery lightly.
The reality star is suing and its owner Fred Mwangaguhunga for libel per se. “After 
having been the victim of a horrific and traumatic armed robbery in France, Kim Kardashian returned to the United States only to again be victimized, but this time by an online gossip tabloid that published a series of articles in early October 2016 referring to her a liar and thief,” writes Kardashian attorney 
Andrew Brettler in a complaint filed Tuesday in New York federal court.
Kardashian was robbed of $11 million in jewelry in the middle of the night on Oct. 2 while lounging at her Paris hotel, according to local authorities.
The articles claim she “faked the robbery, lied about the violent assault, and then filed a fraudulent 
claim with her insurance company to bilk her carrier out of millions of dollars,” Brettler writes.
As public figures, stars typically face tougher battles in proving libel and usually have to show a publication printed a story with “actual malice” – either knowing claims wereor acting with reckless 
disregard of the truth. Brettler says the site failed to identify or cite any credible sources and the publication of the articles were designed to cause maximum harm.
 “Kardashian was assaulted and robbed by two masked men, who placed a gun to her head, duct-taped her hands, legs and mouth, and then left her lying helplessly on the bathroom floor of her rented 
apartment while the thieves absconded with millions of dollars in jewelry,” Brettler writes. “As if that ordeal were not awful enough, Defendants made it worse by publishing on the Website, only hours 
after the assault, that Kardashian faked the robbery and then committed insurance fraud by filing aclaim with her carrier.” Kardashian is seeking general, special, punitive and exemplary damages.
The website has not yet commented in response to the lawsuit.

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