For Women Playing hard-to-get in 3 simple steps

If you ever feel the need to back up and play hard-to-get once in a while, this is the article you've been looking for.

Playing hard to get might not be a bad idea, afterall

As a guy, I wish I didn’t have to write this article but I’m duty bound to help you in all manners possible.

So, ladies, here’s what you should do if you feel you have been getting entangled with guys too easily.

You need some skepticism

Women, being women, will almost always believe every sweet word men say to them.
If you are really serious about playing hard-to-get and not rushing into a relationship without getting all the information you need, then you should learn to not take everything a guy says to you as the truth - at least until you can trust him.
Trusting a guy is very strongly advised, but trusting too early without enough reason to, might be your undoing… again.
playBe careful not to be too trusting too early, or without cause (ReFinance)

Keep a little distance

As much as you want to go after that guy you like, maybe you shouldn’t.
Yeah, I know there has been quite a shift in the manner of thinking these days, where more women are being encouraged to go after guys if they sincerely like them.
Mind you, I subscribe to that idea, too.
If, however, you have gone after one, two, or three guys and the results were not as good as you thought they’d be, maybe it’s time to restrain yourself.
No matter how much you like him, wait for him to come to you.
It’ll be hard considering how you have mastered the act of going after guys you like, but you should not.
playDon't give in to the urge to call him yet. Act busy (Madamenoire)

Never act too interested, let him work a bit to get you. If he gives up after only a little, tame effort to get you, then, maybe he was not even worth your time in the first instance.

Be a little busy

Even after knowing deep in your heart that you might really end up with him, you should still be able to control your impulse to text him and call him all day long.
Drop that your phone. Chill. Act a little busy.
That shouldn’t send him away.

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