Awww! Conjoined twins look at each other for the first time after separating operation

A set of twins that had been conjoined at the crown of their heads has undergone an operation to separate them. 

The twins, Jadon and Ania McDonald have never caught a glimpse of each other in the 13 months they have been alive. 

In October, they underwent a gruelling surgery that successfully separated them. A month later, they were pictured looking at each other for the first time. 

Staring, open-mouthed, they both look stunned. They have both been recovering well since the operation. Jadon is nos happy, vibrant and healthy, however, Anias is having a little difficulty as he battles some infections. Doctors believe that Anias will pull through. 

Such happy kids and a pretty impressive surgery. What do you think? 

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